I was walking down a bustling sidewalk in the Back Bay of Boston when I unexpectedly ran into a familiar face. There stood Erin, a gal from my hometown who I had always admired for her positivity and radiant smile. We hadn’t seen each other in a few years, not since high school. We didn’t have much time to chat, but before we parted ways she looked me in the eyes and said, when I get married I’m hiring you to photograph my wedding.
At the time I was very new to the business. Her words sparked within me a sense of confidence that I’ve always been grateful for. But I also knew that sometimes people say things like that and don’t follow through. It’s understandable. Their style could change. Maybe your price tag goes up. Someone could even move far away. Nothing is guaranteed. Luckily for me, Erin meant the words that she said and reached out to me several years later when she started planning her wedding.
It felt like fate the day she emailed me. I was packing for a trip up north and would be flying into Boston later that week. I knew I had to get her on the phone right away! As we excitedly chatted about the love of her life Brian, and all their upcoming plans, we decided to meet a few days later at the Public Garden. On the day of their session just a few blocks from where we had last seen each other, Erin walked up to me beaming with delight and introduced Brian. I knew in that instant that they were a perfect match and that photographing their love would be a special treat.
It’s been well over a year since their engagement session. They already have their wedding photos, which I can’t wait to share! But before I do, I wanted to post their engagement photos here. I am so grateful for Erin and Brian entrusting me to document their love story and that some things in life are just meant to be!